African Lion

El calor es abrumador. Los 38°C obligan a los habitantes de la sabana africana a buscar alguna sombra que los proteja del cruel sol; es común que con estas temperaturas se vislumbren debajo de algún árbol pelajes amarillos pardos pertenecientes al Panthera Leo Leo, mejor conocido como León Africano.


Camargue Horse

France is renowned for its rich history and culture. Before it evolved into a sophisticated icon for art, fashion, and haute cuisine, the French territory was home to abundant natural resources and ancient species, such as the indigenous Camargue horse



For many years the sperm whale was part of the seaman’s folklore and legends. Two of these tales, the first one about a whale hunter from Nantucket, Massachusetts that was attacked by one of these whales on 1820 and the second one about an albino sperm whale that prowled around the Mocha island in Chile, would inspire one of the most recognized novels of the XIX century, Moby Dick from Herman Melville.


Under the Red Sea’s waters

In the midst of one of the most shocking situations that the world lived, after the plane crash that destroyed the Twin Towers, the decision was made, this time I would venture to go meet other waters of the world, the Red Sea.


Red Deer, The king of the forest

The wild and indomitable nature of the deer caught the attention of the Celts during the Iron Age. An animal of sorrel antlers and a bellowing cry that could still move quietly enough to appear and disappear on it’s own accord.



The robust and powerful Scottish horse, raised in the battlefield, it went from serving knights to transporting coal and large game after the Duke of Hamilton and John Petterson crossbred the descendants of the specie with stallions from Flanders, in the 18th century.


Red Fox

Cautious of it’s movements during daylight, the footsteps of an animal no larger than a housecat appear on the streets of Scotland, one of brick-colored hair, lit as a fire, with a neck and torso as white as the driven snow.


Isla Lobos

We gathered very early at the SCUBA DIVERS URUGUAY center, this place is located near  “Los Dedos”, it’s quite an iconic monument in Punta del Este. The morning was beautiful, typical during the summer in these latitudes; the sun begins to come out and the sky is clear of clouds, an enjoyable navigation is promised.


Wadden Sea

The magical spectacle begins once a new every six hours: in the Wadden Sea, the continuous change of low and high tide shows incredible forces of nature, it also portrays how the water pulls back in a gap of 30 Km of width a couple of times per day.