A Classic in the City of Classics

Lo­ca­ted in one of the most ele­gant re­si­den­tial areas of the Ar­gen­ti­ne ca­pi­tal, the Pa­la­cio Du­hau-Park Hyatt Bue­nos Ai­res is con­si­de­red a clas­sic, a pla­ce whe­re guests can li­ve exactly in the heart of Ar­gen­ti­na and en­joy the en­vi­rons sin­ce it is su­rroun­ded by ele­gant bou­ti­ques, ex­clu­si­ve cen­ters, the fi­nest res­tau­rants and the most se­lect shop­ping in the city.

Built in 1934, the Park Hyatt Bue­nos Ai­res is one of the pa­la­ces that sur­vi­ve in the city. Lo­ca­ted on Al­vear Ave­nue, it con­sists of two buil­dings: the re­cently res­to­red pa­la­ce and the con­tem­po­rary buil­ding that was built next to it and which pre­ser­ves the ar­chi­tec­tu­ral har­mony of the first. The­se two buil­dings are lin­ked by the lar­ge gar­dens and a mag­ni­fi­cent un­der­ground ga­llery knows as “Pa­seo de las Ar­tes” (Ave­nue of the Arts), which has a lar­ge co­llec­tion of splen­did art.



The ho­tel fea­tu­res 165 lu­xu­rious rooms, in­clu­ding 25 char­ming sui­tes, de­co­ra­ted with ex­qui­si­te tex­ti­les and equip­ped with sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­logy, sa­fe, lap­top char­ger, high speed In­ter­net con­nec­tion, mar­ble bath­rooms with lar­ge bath­tubs, crys­tal chan­de­liers, and fi­re­pla­ces.

It al­so fea­tu­res a lu­xu­rious Spa with in­di­vi­dual ca­bi­nets for beauty treat­ments, mas­sa­ges, se­pa­ra­te dres­sing rooms for the Ja­cuz­zi and sau­na, and a cut­ting-ed­ge fully equip­ped fit­ness room. The Spa fea­tu­res a uni­que me­nu that in­te­gra­tes “Com­fort Zo­ne”, a se­lect Ita­lian brand of skin ca­re pro­ducts.




The ho­tel’s res­tau­rants not only fea­tu­re ex­ce­llent dis­hes but al­so de­light­ful views that fa­vor a cozy am­bian­ce. Among them are the Du­hau & DOC Vi­no­te­ca, the ho­tel’s main res­tau­rant whe­re guest can en­joy a wi­de se­lec­tion of Ar­gen­ti­nean and in­ter­na­tio­nal wi­nes; and the Ac­qua, a mar­ve­lous pla­ce that al­so of­fers su­perb sights of the pa­la­ce and gar­den. All the res­tau­rants pre­sent crea­ti­ve cui­si­ne, an ex­ten­si­ve se­lec­tion of the best wi­nes and im­pec­ca­ble ser­vi­ce.

The ho­tel has sa­lons de­sig­ned for break­fast, for en­jo­ying tea and al­so for re­la­xing be­fo­re din­ner with a few glas­ses of good wi­ne or so­met­hing re­fres­hing from a long list of al­co­ho­lic and no­nal­co­ho­lic be­ve­ra­ges.

Sty­le, lu­xury, com­fort, fas­hion, gas­tro­nomy and the best wi­nes are sy­nony­mous with the Pa­la­cio Du­hau-Park Hyatt Bue­nos Ai­res. No mat­ter the cir­cums­tan­ce, it is the best op­tion for en­jo­ying your stay in Ar­gen­ti­na.      






Park Hyatt Buenos Aires

Avenida Alvear 1661

T 54 (117)171 12 34

F 54 (115) 171 12 34

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Text: AMURA ± Photo: Park Hyatt