Alain Llorca’s  party

The fa­mous Mou­lin was crea­ted 30 years ago by Ro­ger Ver­gé in the hills of the Cô­te d´A­zur, not far away from Can­nes. Alain Llor­ca has ta­ken the lead and he him­self has es­ta­blis­hed his fla­vors, his sty­le and his outs­tan­ding cui­si­ne.

Alain is a great chef, a real ar­tist who blends art with the ex­ce­llen­ce of the Me­di­te­rra­nean fla­vors. His well-known “round of ta­pas” is a work-of-art for the pa­la­te which means a won­der­ful cu­li­nary ex­pe­rien­ce with around 14 dif­fe­rent dis­hes, from the an­chovy and sweet po­ta­to cream soup gar­nis­hed with the de­li­cious an­chovy ske­le­ton top­ped with ho­ney and deep fried, to the fresh fois gras in old vi­ne­gar gar­nis­hed with su­gar candy and with a spar­kling straw­berry and ba­sil top­ping. No words can des­cri­be the feast of fla­vors.

Alain has un­der­ta­ken the re­de­co­ra­tion with a mo­dern sty­le and his dis­hes dazz­le due to their in­no­va­ti­ve cha­rac­ter and fla­vors. Shortly, the Mou­lin de Mou­gins will open its se­ven re­fur­bis­hed rooms so that vi­si­tors will be able to keep the en­chan­ting and ma­gi­cal at­mosp­he­re in their minds lon­ger, ha­ving the op­por­tu­nity to en­joy the gar­den’s scents as well.



The Mou­lin´s wi­ne ce­llar is one of the best ones, shel­te­ring wi­nes se­lec­ted by con­nois­seurs. The char­ming at­mosp­he­re in­vi­tes to en­joy la joi de viv­re along with an ex­ce­llent cu­li­nary ex­pe­rien­ce. Alain Llor­ca is a mas­ter, the con­duc­tor that the sout­hern cui­si­ne has been wai­ting for qui­te a long ti­me, and at 36, he is the shiniest star of the French Ri­vie­ra.    



An­chovy and sweet po­ta­to cream soup

Fresh Foie gras





Mou­lin de Mou­gins

No­tre Da­me de Vie, F06250 Mou­gins, Fran­cia

T (00-33) (0) 493 75 78 24

F (00-33) (0) 493 90 18 55




Text: Sommelier Georgina Estrada Gil ± Photo: La Catellana, Las Cavas de Francia, Archivo