The most exquisite Mediterranean flavours and aromas are found at Ramón Freixa Madrid. This newly opened restaurant, located inside the hotel-boutique Selenza Madrid, is recognized worldwide for painstaking care that goes into the creation of each dish that forms part of the menu.

Chef Ramón Freixa is the creator and the man behind the concept of the restaurant, who has also achieved renown as one of the most important chefs in Spain. For 15 years, Freixa has demonstrated his gastronomic skills inside the Racó d’en in Barcelona, only to later assume management of the restaurant in 1998. It was only six months ago that he decided to begin his own adventure with a restaurant that bears his name.



Providing enough space to sit 35 diners, Ramón Freixa Madrid features ample tables that are precisely separated from each other to create an ambience of privacy in each one. For its part, the menu offers clients traditional dishes, such as grilled veil snout, paired with more adventurous dishes, for example the partridge: pickled fish soup, as well as the micro menu of three-times boiled Mediterranean lobster and served in three different versions: lobster pincer tartar, royal made with the head and served with peaches, and grilled tail with rice. Prime choices also included various cuts of meat, fish and a selection of rice in which Freixa demonstrates his ability to cook them to perfection as well as his creativity in the elaboration of garnishes. 




Despite is short existence, Ramón Freixa Madrid has already earned two Michelin stars from Spain and Portugal. These awards are given based upon the selection of ingredients, the creativity behind the creation of dishes, harmony in flavours, methods of cooking, as well as the facilities and service provided inside the restaurant.





Ramón Freixa

C/Claudio Coello, 67 

28001, Madrid

T: (34) 91 781 82 62

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Text: AMURA ± Photo: Ramon Freixa Madrid.