With a grand opening, animated by a show by Cirque du Soleil and sailors of Riviera Nayarit, started the Banderas Bay Regatta, which brought together about 180 sailors and 26 ships -from Canada, Mexico and the United States- at the Vallarta Yacht Club.
With this race is completed the circuit of FMV CUP 2016, consisting of the PV Race, MEXORC, WexMex and the same Banderas Bay Regatta PV. Now we´ll wait until May for the Laser World Championships, bringing the 2016 year ensures a full sail season for Mexico and the FMV.
The lengths of these boats range from 30 feet to 52 feet. The first day of racing began promptly at 14:30 hrs. -with 10 knots of wind- , ending around 16:30 hrs.- with a maximum of 18 knots- . As usual, we had the best conditions, characteristic of this area of Mexico, which offered an unforgettable race.
Performance Class
1. Olas Lindas
2. Wings
3. Shiva
Cruising boats -over 42 feet-
1. Belle
2. Sur
3. Agave Azul
Cruising boats -under 42 feet-
1. Salty Feet
2. Mabrouka
3. Georgia
Cruising Multihulls
1. Cat 2 Fold
2. Catatude
3. Nina May
Multihull Class
1. Twice Shy
2. Dream Chaser
3. Wind Trekker