Zhiwa Ling Hotel

The Zhiwa Ling Hotel is nestled between the hills of this breathtaking region, and is, as one might expect, an architectural gem that combines the culture of Bhutan with all the commodities and technology of the 21st century.



Gibraltar has the soul of an island, although in reality it is part of the Iberian Peninsula, to which it is geographically connected at the Gibraltar Countryside through an area called La Verja, the border between Spain and the Rock—British territory. Its location is strategic because it is also facing Ceuta at the northeast region of Africa.


Sunborn Hotel

This gargantuan floating hotel is permanently anchored at the Ocean Village Marina in Gibraltar. A 465ft super yacht, which cost over 130 million pounds, rises seven stories above the sea, and boasts a 15,500 m2 interior; it stands as a testament to well thought-out investments. Furthermore, it is the largest vessel in the entire Marina.


O’Callaghan Elliot Hotel

The O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel (which takes its name from General George Augustus Eliott, 18th century governor of Gibraltar) is located near the famous Main Street of the city, home to clothing stores such as Mango and M&S, Duty-Free havens, and the famous British pubs.


The Rock Hotel

The Rock Hotel is located opposite to the grand Botanical Gardens, and it oozes eau de colonial charm. Guests are welcomed at a lobby decorated with potted palm trees and a black-and-white marble checkered pattern floor.