Zoo Park Foundation of São Paulo

The Zoo Park Foundation of São Paulo (FPZSP for its acronym in Spanish) is located in the suburbs of the city, which is the largest in Brazil. It offers its visitors several cultural options, gastronomy, hostelry, shopping and entertainment.


The Maasai

In the beginning, the Earth and Sky were one: Ngai. One day decided, tired of the same, that they should be apart. He noticed, very worried, that there was no one to attend his flock. With this reason, and no other, Ngai, sent the brave Maasai to be its maximum guardian. I didn’t look at my watch, I couldn’t, letting  myself fall in the blood colored Kenyan afternoon.


The Mexico remote

Iwas in Mexico City at a meeting on the conservation of sharks. Just before it started, my phone rang, it was Manolo Victoria, from Veracruz. He excitedly said “Get ready, because we’re going to the Revillagigedo”. 


Visiting the Atlantic

 In the previous issue of AMURA 94, we enjoyed the story told by professional diver Alberto Friscione and his experience among sharks. Here, he tells us another unforgettable encounter, this time with Atlantic spotted dolphins.


Friendly Beasts

Winter is the best time to observe large marine species migrating with the current. Some come for breeding and others just for feeding. I learned that in the Bahamas you could have a close look at tiger sharks, the lemon and gray varieties.


The Beauty Hidden in the Sea

The Gringo Dale arrived on time to the hotel where we stayed in Ensenada, Baja California. Although it was early we were not ready, because the previous day trip to Guadalupe Island, where we had a chance to swim with the great white shark, which left us exhausted. 


Humpback Whales

Some 50 million years ago a huge group of land animals began to look for food on the shores of the seas and eventually went into the ocean more and more, until they were entirely adapted to the marine world and became what is now known as the cetaceans. This group consists of dolphins and whales. Among other animals, whales being the largest animals that have ever existed on earth.


Croatia Underwater

Its elongated main coast reminds us of Chile’s geography. Both are stretched to their maximum, as if an arm wanted to embrace the full beauty of their seas. Unlike the South American country, Croatia’s land spreads significantly inland to the north, where it adjoins with Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia Herzegovina  (it’s largest border),  and Yugoslavia.