Thunder B

Straight, smooth lines, a metallic silver hull, capable of crossing the Mediterranean at 40 knots with the assistance of a TF40 turbine, the Thunder B, built to the specifications of its owner, is a high performance, functional vessel.


Pershing 88

This unique yacht, with its grey hull that distinguishes it from most, is known as an arrow on the seas: its high speeds makes the Pershing 88 one of the fastest boats around.


Lagoon 570

The Lagoon 570 is made for long-distance voyages, for this reason it offers excellent comfort and all that is necessary to experience the pleasures on navigation. The Lagoon 570 replaces the eldest multihull sailboat of the line: the Lagoon 55/57, which, after more than ten years of service, takes a well-deserved rest.


A Future Classic

In the yachting world, “Sunseeker 105” is a synonym for “a future classic.” It is a boat that is distinguished, both for the materials with which it is built as for its technology, while maintaining the characteristic Sunseeker line.


An Italian Pure Blood

We can safely say that this edition of Amura is  about “rebel hulls”, not because it has to do  with a counterintelligence or paramilitary  group but because, curiously, this is the second boat  that has a hull of an uncommon color: in this case it is  blue, in the other gray.


Sport and Deep-sea Fishing

Mazatlán has been considered one of Mexico’s most popular fishing destinations for many years. It is a place that has something for everyone, from exclusive hotels and clubs famous for their parties to motorbike rides on  the malecón (seaside promenade) and beach.


Benetti Midlandia

What can be said about a boat that, from first glance, amazes us with its beauty? It takes our breath away. One hundred and ninety-seven feet long, this grand and powerful titan of the seas, makes it obvious that these two characteristics can go hand and hand with beauty. 


Sunreef 60

On May 30, 2005, the first Sun­reef 60 ca­ta­ma­ran was laun­ched in Po­land out of the Gdansk Sun­reef ship­yards. This lu­xu­rious high-per­for­man­ce ca­ta­ma­ran was de­sig­ned for ocean crui­ses, and is spending the summer sailing off the coast of Spain to the delight of passengers and those who watch it sail from a distance.


Sea Ray 680

When dis­cus­sing this ship­buil­der’s in­cur­sion in­to the field of big boats, this yacht could be considered the brand’s flagship. This term, com­monly used in the world of au­to­mo­bi­les, re­fers to a “new” mo­del and, in so­me ca­ses, a big­ger or bet­ter one.


Princess v70

This is one of those boats that belongs to the new generation of yachts: vessels whose design involves all angles and di­men­sions of their cons­truc­tion, pur­po­se and use. From the out­set, as­pects per­tai­ning to per­for­man­ce, sta­bi­lity, spa­cious­ness of the in­te­riors, prac­ti­ca­lity and er­go­no­mics ha­ve been con­si­de­red wit­hout ig­no­ring the beauty of its ex­te­rior.