And one day, everything stopped... - Gisselle Morán

And one day, everything stopped...

But life went on... and what did we learn? Are we the same? Has everything changed? But it can be better.

Por Gisselle Morán

Tribute to Life - Victor M. Morán Zetina

Tribute to Life

Life, that marvellous phenomenon that is often seen as natural, common, a fact that we can take for granted, is actually fragile, unusual, and simultaneously miraculous.

Por Victor M. Morán Zetina

Cultural Heritage - María del Carmen B. Hernández

Cultural Heritage

Among human virtues, love is the first. And if it is strengths one is discussing, one must choose thought. Everything a human imagines, happens; perhaps not by their own hands, but once pro-jected, it is bound to happen.

Por María del Carmen B. Hernández

Planet Earth is an infinite factory of life - Maruchy Behmaras

Planet Earth is an infinite factory of life

How many living beings there are on the planet, is a question for which the answer is not known with full certainty, not even regarding mammals. Among several factors, it is because, although species are constantly disappearing, at least 10 thousand are revealed yearly.

Por Maruchy Behmaras

The Sea - Alberto Friscione

The Sea

Only water, and its particular combination of properties, has allowed life to exist as we know it today.

Por Alberto Friscione

Extreme Adrenaline - Maruchy Behmaras

Extreme Adrenaline

Flying is a human longing that we can exemplify through mythological characters such as Icarus, who tried to reach the sun with his wings.

Por Maruchy Behmaras

Bucket list - Amura

Bucket list

Amura dreams big by proposing an itinerary of experiences in amazing places; by provoking thoughts, desires and hopes and inspiring the following trips around the world, stimulating the senses and enriching life to evolve

Por Amura

Minotti - Minotti


Home is today more than ever the center of gravity of our life, a welcoming and safe oasis in which we want to feel protected and relaxed, surrounded by beauty and utmost quality.

Por Minotti

Henge - Henge


Henge was born in 2007, from a great dream and from a small group of very determined people.

Por Henge

Yates exploradores de Cantiere delle Marche - Cantiere delle Marche

Yates exploradores de Cantiere delle Marche

Cantiere delle Marche build explorer yachts designed to cross the oceans. All yachts by Cantiere delle Marche, both belonging to a range –Darwin Class, Nauta Air, MG, Flexplorer– or one-off, share the same philosophy: they are explorer yachts in the very sense of the word.

Por Cantiere delle Marche

Routes on Rossinavi's yachts - Rossinavi Yachts

Routes on Rossinavi's yachts

Since we are experienced builders, we have built many kinds of boats over the years.

Por Rossinavi Yachts

The Road Trip Switzerland, Germany and Italy - Daniel Marchand M. / info@mmclassics.com.mx

The Road Trip Switzerland, Germany and Italy

For collectors, every car has a distinct personality. Their design gives them an aggressive or ele-gant look. The interior finishes determines if they are sporty or luxurious, although ultimately it’s their speed and performance that counts.

Por Daniel Marchand M. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Re/Flection of Time - Jaime Cohen

Re/Flection of Time

History is full of moments that mark ages where humanity’s way of living and thinking is trans-formed. Today, without doubt, we are going through one of those periods that change the course of history and even force us to think about a different future.

Por Jaime Cohen